On Sduko you can publish your ad in four simple steps:
Click the "Post your Ad" button. Create your ad by filling out the form on the page. Remember to read and accept the terms and conditions.
To make the most of your ad, choose the right category and write a good title as well as a detailed description without copying from other ads.
A picture is worth a thousand words! Isn't it true? You can insert one photo in a free ad and up to ten in a promoted ad, showing your most sensual side... this way you will receive many more views!
Select one of our promotional products to highlight your ad and gain greater visibility or click on “Post ad for free”.
If you have chosen one of our “TOP” products, choose the payment method. If you have purchased a credits package, you can pay with credits, otherwise you can use your credit card or another of the payment methods provided.
How to publish an ad?